Schedule R Code to Be Executed Periodically in the Current R Session

Yihui Xie 2017-10-19

A couple of months ago, while I was trying to implement an alternative approach for LiveReload in blogdown (Section D.2) using Hugo’s built-in server, I played with Joe’s later package for a little while, and my colleague Gabor gave me an interesting, useful, and elegant tip. I thought it might be useful to other people, too, so I’m writing it down here.


The original problem I wanted to solve was this: Hugo’s server can automatically rebuild the site and refresh the web page in the browser when any source files are changed. This is great, and as usual, lightening fast. What is missing, however, is the ability to recompile Rmd files. Of course, Hugo knows nothing about Rmd, so I have to start another process to watch changes in Rmd files and rebuild them.

I can certainly use an infinite loop like while (TRUE) { watch_and_rebuild() }, but the problem is that an infinite loop will block the user’s R session, i.e., you cannot do anything else in the R console after you start the loop. How can I check for changes in Rmd files periodically and rebuild them when necessary without blocking the R console?

Recursive later()

The solution is later::later() + recursion. later::later() can schedule a task and run it later. Before the task is executed, you can still use the R console to do other things. The problem is that this task is only executed once. How to execute it periodically? The answer is recursion. Below is a simple example, in which we print the time in the R console every 10 seconds.

print_time = function(interval = 10) {
  later::later(print_time, interval)


This function will keep running until the R session is terminated or restarted. Every time print_time() is called, the current time is printed, and the same task is scheduled again.

penguins stumbled


I don’t want to mislead users who do not read the documentation of later, so I want to repeat this in its documentation:

[…] scheduled operations only run when there is no other R code present on the execution stack; i.e., when R is sitting at the top-level prompt.

Basically this means you cannot expect the task will be executed precisely every N seconds (e.g., N = 10 in the above example), especially when there is another task that has occupied the R console. This is not a deal breaker in my original problem. I don’t need the time to be precise.

(Update on 2018-01-10) Won’t this lead to infinite recursion?

It didn’t occur to me that there seemed to be an infinite recursion until Miles McBain pointed it out, but my colleague Alan Dipert reassured us that the later package had the magic of avoiding stack buildup. It was such a surprise to me! Then my colleague Joe confirmed it, and attributed it to Simon Urbanek.

Normally you cannot just keep calling a function inside itself. R has a global option expressions that defaults to 5000, which means it can only evaluate 5000 nested expressions by default. If there isn’t an exit in the recursion, it will blow up at some point, e.g., this will stop before i reaches 5000:

i = 0
f = function() {
  if (i %% 1000 == 0) print(i)
  i <<- i + 1

However, with later::later(), f() can be executed for an infinite number of times:

i = 0
f = function() {
  if (i %% 1000 == 0) print(i)
  i <<- i + 1
  later::later(f, 0.001)

This is so brilliant!

Further reading

If you want to run a job in a new background process, you should definitely try Gabor’s processx package. It is extremely powerful. In my own case, I wanted to run the job in the current R process, so I didn’t use processx directly.