I’m Also A Desiccated baseR-er Like Karl Broman

Yihui Xie 2017-10-24

The correct answer to any question is always “it depends”, e.g., “Should I use tidyverse or base R?” I just saw Karl Broman described himself as a somewhat desiccated baseR-er. I have to admit that most of time I use base R, too. Why? I rarely do data analysis. My primary job is programming, and frankly, I consider my programming skills to be mediocre.1 I’m not good at learning new things. Unfortunately, I learned R the “wrong” way, and became a master of par() like Karl more than a decade ago when ggplot2 was not born yet.

If I were to learn R again to do data analysis, I’d very much like to follow David Robinson’s suggestions. For now, I’d say I’m completely comfortable with the old-fashioned if, for, [[, $, and lapply() for my programming needs, especially when developing R packages. Perhaps it is only me, but I find the pipe operator %>% obfuscatory when used for programming and also a hassle to debug. The first time I saw it being used in a package was in leaflet two years ago, and I stared at the chain for quite a while trying to parse it in my brain.2 For the pipe in *nix commands, I absolutely love it. For %>% in R, I guess I won’t use it until someday when I mostly work on data analysis.

This post is not meant to defend base R. Life is short, and base R is big. There are certainly good and bad things about base R. My one and only complaint about base R is partial matching (especially for list elements). Other than that, I’m totally fine with it, even with all its known drawbacks. Again, I’m a programmer. Also remember the sample size is one (perhaps two, counting Karl), so please do not draw any conclusions from this short post. That said, if you are a beginner in R and I must offer a suggestion, I’d suggest tidyverse anyway (with a reservation on %>% unless your job is data analysis), because it is not worth the time learning all the inconsistencies in base R.

  1. I’m good at standing on the shoulders of giants and connecting different pieces of software packages, but I can rarely create a giant by myself. I’m bad at almost everything about computer science: I don’t know C, C++, Python, Java, or whatever popular languages. I mainly program in R, and occasionally in JavaScript. I don’t know much about classic algorithms (perhaps except bubble sort). ↩︎

  2. This is not a representative example of pipes, though, since each function returns a function, and I had a hard time figuring out what safePaletteFunc(pal)(x) would do and the order in which these functions would be applied to x↩︎