Today Romain Francois posted an interesting topic in the R-help list, and you can read his blog post for more details: celebrating R commit #50000. 50000 is certainly not a small number; we do owe R core members a big “thank you” for their great efforts in this fantastic statistical language in the 13 years. When I saw Romain’s data, I suddenly remembered a question I asked to one of Prof Ripley’s student a couple of years ago: does Prof Ripley ever sleep? And he answered “No!”. No wonder we can see Prof Ripley so frequently in the R-help/devel mailing list. If you have stayed on R-help list for enough long time, you’ll surely know several facts, e.g. Martin Maechler will arrive in less than 3 minutes if you dare call an R package “library”, and you will get “Ripleyed” if you are not careful enough in posting your R code.
> library(fortunes)
> fortune("Ripleyed")
And the fear of getting Ripleyed on the mailing list also makes me think, read,
and improve before submitting half baked questions to the list.
-- Eric Kort
R-help (January 2006)
While these facts are revealing their great efforts in helping R users, we can see their work hours in committing revisions to R. For example, the answer to my question is clear in the graph below:
## R code borrowed from Romain Francios
process_chunk <- function(txt) {
if (length(txt) == 1L)
header_line <- strsplit(txt[2L], " | ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][c(1L, 2L, 3L)]
revision <- substring(header_line[1], 2)
author <- header_line[2]
if (author %in% c("apache", "root"))
date <- substring(header_line[3], 1, 25)
nlines <- length(date)
matrix(c(, nlines),, nlines),, nlines)), nrow = nlines)
data <- local({
lines <- readLines("rsvn.log")
index <- cumsum(grepl("^-+$", lines))
commits <- split(lines, index), lapply(commits, process_chunk))
colnames(data) <- c("revision", "author", "date")
simple <- data[!duplicated(data[, "revision"]), ] = data.frame(author = simple[, "author"],
hour = as.integer(substr(simple[, "date"], 12, 13)),
year = as.integer(substr(simple[, "date"], 1, 4))) = subset(, year >= 1997 & (author %in%
c("hornik", "maechler", "pd", "ripley")))
# png("ripley-work-hour.png")
qplot(hour, data = subset(, author == "ripley"),
main = "Does Prof Ripley Ever Sleep?") + stat_bin(binwidth = 1)
Here I only selected four authors who have largest number of commits during 1997~2009. We can see the changes of working hours along these years:
hour.max = max(with(, table(author, year, hour)))
# you need ImageMagick to create the GIF animation!
for (i in sort(unique($year))) {
print(qplot(hour, data = subset(, year == i), xlim = c(0,
23), ylim = c(0, hour.max), main = i) + facet_wrap(~author) +
stat_bin(binwidth = 1))
}, interval = 1.5, moviename = "r-core-work-hour", outdir = getwd())
The patterns are clear: Kurt does not like burning night oil; Martin tends to work very early in the morning (esp during 2000~2004); Peter always work at mid-night (highly centered around 12pm); and for Prof Ripley, he works round the clock but most in the morning (probably that’s when he begins to ``Ripley’’ users? after that time, less people dare to report bugs so his work decays exponentially?)