
谢益辉 2009-02-20

最近两天Friedrich在R-devel发了一个通知,告诉大家要开始准备Google Summer of Code了!然后一位叫Oleg Sklyar的同志迫不及待提出了两个主意,结果讨论很快就乱了套,因为他提的第一个主意就是关于交互式图形的,他说很关键的一点是R不能实现图形的缩放和平移(zooming and panning),我一看,不对劲呀,谁说不能缩放、平移呀,于是三下五除二给了一个例子:

# a demo for zooming and panning in R graphics
# by Yihui Xie, Feb 20, 2009
# a large number of points
plot(x <- rnorm(5000), y <- rnorm(5000), xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
xylim <- c(range(x), range(y))
zoom <- function(d, speed = 0.05) {
   rx <- speed * (xylim[2] - xylim[1])
   ry <- speed * (xylim[4] - xylim[3])
   # global assignment '<<-' here!
   xylim <<- xylim + d * c(rx, -rx, ry, -ry)
   plot(x, y, xlim = xylim[1:2], ylim = xylim[3:4])
# Key `+`: zoom in; `-`: zoom out
# Left, Right, Up, Down: self-explaining
# `*`: reset
# Press other keys to quit
keybd <- function(key) {
   switch(key, `+` = zoom(1), `-` = zoom(-1), Left = zoom(c(-1,
       1, 0, 0)), Right = zoom(c(1, -1, 0, 0)), Up = zoom(c(0,
       0, 1, -1)), Down = zoom(c(0, 0, -1, 1)), `*` = plot(x,
       y), "Quit the program")
getGraphicsEvent(onKeybd = keybd)


不过后来Simon Urbanek老大发话了,Yihui你这不叫交互式图形;Simon老大说得对,不过俺只是为了说明R并不是像Oleg老大讲的那样不能实现缩放和平移。