Stata 三个版本介绍

谢益辉 2006-03-21

Stata/SE, Intercooled Stata, Small Stata

Stata/SE, Intercooled Stata, and Small Stata differ in the size of the dataset that each one can analyze and the maximum length of string variables. Here is a general guideline:


Stata/SE allows datasets with up to 32,766 variables. The limit of observations is based on the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/SE allows datasets to contain longer string variables — variables up to 244 characters long. Stata/SE also allows matrices up to 11,000 x 11,000 on computers with sufficient memory. An implication of this is that Stata/SE can estimate models with more independent variables (up to 10,998) and can estimate certain panel-data models with larger time-series within panel.

Intercooled Stata

Intercooled Stata allows datasets with as many as 2,047 variables. The limit of observations is based on the amount of RAM in your computer. Intercooled Stata allows string variables to contain a maximum of 80 characters. In addition, Intercooled Stata can have at most 798 right-hand-side variables in a model.

Small Stata

Small Stata is limited to analyzing datasets with a maximum of 99 variables on approximately 1,000 observations. Small Stata allows string variables to contain a maximum of 80 characters. Small Stata can have at most 38 right-hand-side variables in a model.


   Stata/SE    Intercooled Stata   Small Stata
Memory  128 MB   128 MB     128 MB
Disk space  60 MB   60 MB      60 MB 

以上是 Stata 的三个版本(7.0 似乎只有两个版本?);之所以看 Stata,一是因为很久以前周伟斌大哥拜托的 ROC 分析至今还未仔细看完,Stata 软件也没怎么用;二是因为 Brunel University 这位 Yuwei Hu 同学找我帮忙改 Stata 程序,说实在的,我还真是不太会,不过已经打算明天抽 2 小时自学 Stata 然后解决问题,不知道能否拿下。今日去听易丹辉老师的统计预测课,仍觉得讲得有些慢,推导计算时,显得有些繁琐。不过大师级人物到底还是大师,口中是会有一针见血的话语的,这就要看听众的注意力了。这节课上,我也算花了半小时看她用 EViews,觉得有些 “开窍”,看来突破 EViews 大关也是指日可待。

时间紧迫,不搞 “爆炸式学习” 根本不行。要不然整天淹没在一堆杂事中,我这学期就废了。另:今天数了数,一天之中一共 35 封邮件 —— 又一天平常的日子过去了。庆军师兄,小虎师兄,咱都加油吧!

再另:今天得知 “R for Beginners” 已经初步翻译整理完了,王学枫把初稿发给我看了看,感觉还不错。这个翻译小组中还有李军焘大人、丁国徽大人,不胜荣幸啊;另外还有传说中的华东师范大学汤银才博士作了最后的整理和排版。