谢益辉 2006-03-19



Jerome H. Friedman
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305

Werner Stuetzle
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Department of Statistics
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305

A new method for nonparametric multiple regression is presented. The procedure models the regression surface as a sum of general-smooth functions of linear combinations of the predictor variables in an iterative manner. It is more general than standard stepwise and stagewise regression procedures, does not require the definition of a metric in the predictor space, and lends itself to graphical interpretation.

(Submitted to Journal of the American Statistical Association)



ppr                  package:stats                  R Documentation

**Projection Pursuit Regression**

     Fit a projection pursuit regression model.

     ppr(x, ...)
     ## S3 method for class 'formula':
     ppr(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action,
         contrasts = NULL, ..., model = FALSE)
     ## Default S3 method:
     ppr(x, y, weights = rep(1,n),
         ww = rep(1,q), nterms, max.terms = nterms, optlevel = 2,
         sm.method = c("supsmu", "spline", "gcvspline"),
         bass = 0, span = 0, df = 5, gcvpen = 1, ...)

 formula: a formula specifying one or more numeric response variables
          and the explanatory variables. 
       x: numeric matrix of explanatory variables.  Rows represent
          observations, and columns represent variables.  Missing
          values are not accepted. 
       y: numeric matrix of response variables.  Rows represent
          observations, and columns represent variables.  Missing
          values are not accepted. 
  nterms: number of terms to include in the final model.
    data: data frame from which variables specified in 'formula' are
          preferentially to be taken. 
 weights: a vector of weights 'w_i' for each _case_.
      ww: a vector of weights for each _response_, so the fit criterion
          is the sum over case 'i' and responses 'j' of 'w_i ww_j (y_ij
          - fit_ij)^2' divided by the sum of 'w_i'. 
  subset: an index vector specifying the cases to be used in the
          training sample.  (NOTE: If given, this argument must be
na.action: a function to specify the action to be taken if 'NA's are
          found. The default action is given by
          'getOption("na.action")'. (NOTE: If given, this argument must
          be named.) 
contrasts: the contrasts to be used when any factor explanatory
          variables are coded. 
max.terms: maximum number of terms to choose from when building the
optlevel: integer from 0 to 3 which determines the thoroughness of an
          optimization routine in the SMART program. See the *Details*
sm.method: the method used for smoothing the ridge functions.  The
          default is to use Friedman's super smoother 'supsmu'.  The
          alternatives are to use the smoothing spline code underlying
          'smooth.spline', either with a specified (equivalent) degrees
          of freedom for each ridge functions, or to allow the
          smoothness to be chosen by GCV. 
    bass: super smoother bass tone control used with automatic span
          selection (see 'supsmu'); the range of values is 0 to 10,
          with larger values resulting in increased smoothing. 
    span: super smoother span control (see 'supsmu').  The default,
          '0', results in automatic span selection by local cross
          validation. 'span' can also take a value in '(0, 1]'. 
      df: if 'sm.method' is '"spline"' specifies the smoothness of each
          ridge term via the requested equivalent degrees of freedom. 
  gcvpen: if 'sm.method' is '"gcvspline"' this is the penalty used in
          the GCV selection for each degree of freedom used. 
     ...: arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
   model: logical.  If true, the model frame is returned.

     The basic method is given by Friedman (1984), and is essentially
     the same code used by S-PLUS's 'ppreg'.  This code is extremely
     sensitive to the compiler used.
     The algorithm first adds up to 'max.terms' ridge terms one at a
     time; it will use less if it is unable to find a term to add that
     makes sufficient difference.  It then removes the least
     "_important_" term at each step until 'nterms' terms are left.
     The levels of optimization (argument 'optlevel') differ in how
     thoroughly the models are refitted during this process. At level 0
     the existing ridge terms are not refitted.  At level 1 the
     projection directions are not refitted, but the ridge functions
     and the regression coefficients are. Levels 2 and 3 refit all the
     terms and are equivalent for one response; level 3 is more careful
     to re-balance the contributions from each regressor at each step
     and so is a little less likely to converge to a saddle point of
     the sum of squares criterion.

     A list with the following components, many of which are for use by
     the method functions.
    call: the matched call
       p: the number of explanatory variables (after any coding)
       q: the number of response variables
      mu: the argument 'nterms'
      ml: the argument 'max.terms'
     gof: the overall residual (weighted) sum of squares for the
          selected model
    gofn: the overall residual (weighted) sum of squares against the
          number of terms, up to 'max.terms'.  Will be invalid (and
          zero) for less than 'nterms'.
      df: the argument 'df'
     edf: if 'sm.method' is '"spline"' or '"gcvspline"' the equivalent
          number of degrees of freedom for each ridge term used.
  xnames: the names of the explanatory variables
  ynames: the names of the response variables
   alpha: a matrix of the projection directions, with a column for each
          ridge term
    beta: a matrix of the coefficients applied for each response to the
          ridge terms: the rows are the responses and the columns the
          ridge terms
      yb: the weighted means of each response
      ys: the overall scale factor used: internally the responses are
          divided by 'ys' to have unit total weighted sum of squares.
fitted.values: the fitted values, as a matrix if 'q > 1'.
residuals: the residuals, as a matrix if 'q > 1'.
    smod: internal work array, which includes the ridge functions
          evaluated at the training set points.
   model: (only if 'model=TRUE') the model frame.

     Friedman, J. H. and Stuetzle, W. (1981) Projection pursuit
     regression. _Journal of the American Statistical Association_,
     *76*, 817-823.
     Friedman, J. H. (1984) SMART User's Guide. Laboratory for
     Computational Statistics, Stanford University Technical Report No.
     Venables, W. N. & Ripley, B. D. (2002) _Modern Applied Statistics
     with S._  Springer.

**See Also:**
     'plot.ppr', 'supsmu', 'smooth.spline'

     # Note: your numerical values may differ
     area1 <- area/10000; peri1 <- peri/10000
     rock.ppr <- ppr(log(perm) ~ area1 + peri1 + shape,
                     data = rock, nterms = 2, max.terms = 5)
     # Call:
     # ppr.formula(formula = log(perm) ~ area1 + peri1 + shape, data = rock,
     #     nterms = 2, max.terms = 5)
     # Goodness of fit:
     #  2 terms  3 terms  4 terms  5 terms
     # 8.737806 5.289517 4.745799 4.490378
     # .....  (same as above)
     # .....
     # Projection direction vectors:
     #       term 1      term 2
     # area1  0.34357179  0.37071027
     # peri1 -0.93781471 -0.61923542
     # shape  0.04961846  0.69218595
     # Coefficients of ridge terms:
     #    term 1    term 2
     # 1.6079271 0.5460971
     par(mfrow=c(3,2))# maybe: , pty="s")
     plot(rock.ppr, main="ppr(log(perm)~ ., nterms=2, max.terms=5)")
     plot(update(rock.ppr, bass=5), main = "update(..., bass = 5)")
     plot(update(rock.ppr, sm.method="gcv", gcvpen=2),
          main = "update(..., sm.method=\"gcv\", gcvpen=2)")
     cbind(perm=rock$perm, prediction=round(exp(predict(rock.ppr)), 1))


**Projection Pursuit Regression**

Computes an exploratory nonlinear regression method that models y as a sum of 
nonparametric functions of projections of the x variables. 

ppreg(x, y, min.term, max.term=min.term, wt=rep(1, nrow(x)),  
      rwt=rep(1, ncol(y)), xpred=NULL, optlevel=2, bass=0, span="cv") 

matrix of explanatory variables. Rows represent observations, and columns represent 
variables. Missing values are not accepted. The ppreg function is not very useful if 
x contains only one column. 
vector or matrix of response variables. Rows represent observations, and columns 
represent variables. Missing values are not accepted. 
minimum number of terms to include in the model; ppreg will return complete results 
only for this minimum number of terms. 

maximum number of terms to choose from in the model. 
vector of weights for the observations. The length must be the same as the number of
 rows in x. Missing values are not accepted. 
vector of weights for the responses. The length must be the same as the number of 
columns in y. Missing values are not accepted. 
vector or matrix of explanatory variables for which responses are to be estimated. 
If xpred is omitted, then the original x data will be regressed on, and the residuals 
will be returned in ypred. Missing values are not accepted. 
integer from 0 to 3 which determines the throughness of an optimization routine in 
ppreg. A higher number means more optimization. 
super smoother bass tone control used with automatic span selection (see supsmu); 
the range of values is 0 to 10, with increasing values resulting in increased smoothing. 
super smoother span control (see supsmu). The default is "cv", which results in 
automatic span selection by local cross validation. span can also take a value from 
0 < span <= 1. 

a list containing the following components: 
matrix of predicted values for y given the matrix xpred. If xpred was not input, 
then ypred contains the residuals for the model fit. 
the sum of squared residuals divided by the total corrected sums of squares. 
a minterm by ncol(x) matrix of the direction vectors, alpha[m,j] contains the j-th 
component of the direction in the m-th term. 
a minterm by ncol(y) matrix of term weights, beta[m,k] contains the value of the term 
weight for the m-th term and the k-th response variable. 
a matrix of values to be plotted against zhat. z[i,m] contains the z value of the 
i-th observation in the m-th model term, i.e., z equals x %*% t(alpha). The columns of 
z have been sorted. 
a matrix of function values to be plotted. zhat[i,m] is the smoothed ordinate value 
(phi) of the i-th observation in the m-th model term evaluated at z[i,m]. 
a three dimensional array, the [m,j,M] element contains the j-th component of the 
direction in the m-th model term for the solution consisting of M terms. Values 
are zero for M less than minterm. 
a three dimensional array, the [m,k,M] element contains the term weight for the 
m-th term and the k-th response variable for the solution consisting of M terms. 
Values are zero for M less than minterm. 
esq[M] contains the fraction of unexplained variance for the solution consisting of 
M terms. Values are zero for M less than minterm. 
matrix that is ncol(y) by maxterm containing the fraction of unexplained variance for 
each response. esqrsp[k,M] is for the k-th response variable for the solution 
consisting of M terms, for M ranging from min.term to max.term. Other columns are zero. 
The z component of the result is sorted, thus it can not be compared with the 
original data. 

Friedman, J. H. and Stuetzle, W. (1981). Projection pursuit regression. Journal of the 
American Statistical Association 76, 817-823. 
The chapter "Regression and Smoothing for Continous Response Data" in the S-PLUS
 Guide to Statistical and Mathematical Analysis. 

**SEE ALSO:** 
ace , avas , supsmu . 

x1 <- rnorm(100) ; x2 <- rnorm(100) ; eps <- rnorm(100, 0, .1) 
x <- matrix(c(x1, x2), 100, 2) 
y <- x1*x2 + eps 
# Set up a matrix of predictor values. 
xpred <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), 4, 2, byrow=T) 
# Use ppreg with unit weights for both the observations and 
# the response, and a 2 term regression model (picked from 3 terms). 
a <- ppreg(x, y, 2, 3, xpred=xpred) 
# Plot the function values versus their abscissas, to look for structure. 
matplot(a$z, a$zhat)